You cannot give what you do not have

Our capacity to make peace with another person and with the world depends very much on our capacity to make peace with ourselves. If we are at war with our parents, our family, our society, or our church, there is probably a war going on inside us also, so the most basic work for peace is to return to ourselves and create harmony among the elements within us—our feelings, our perceptions, and our mental states.

Thich Nhat Hanh from Living Buddha, Living Christ

They have healed the wound of my people lightly, saying, ‘Peace, peace,’ when there is no peace.

Jerememiah 6:14

There’s a host of thoughts and ideas in my head running into each other like bumper cars at an amusement park.

Maybe, just maybe, I should settle on what I’m feeling.

Up until this morning I felt like I was living beneath a dark and ominous cloud. I was angry, at a lot of people. I was sad and worried that the stupid act of four people was going to over shadow the basic goodness of humanity.

I’ve been reading Living Buddha, Living Christ for the umpteenth time. Funny how something you read over and over does not strike you until it’s relevant. You see, me, being me, is someone who tries to be compassionate to everyone. I don’t care if you deserve it or not. There’s a story behind your pain, your agony and often your hatred. I know there is behind mine.

I have been working hard to understand YOU and I realize I’ve been doing it through a prism as thick as the bottom of a glass bottle. I’ve never bothered to understand ME!

So……………. I took these feelings and Thich Nhat Hanh’s words to my meditation today. I wasn’t expecting much. I mean, intellectually everything he said made sense. The problems we face are gi-normous. Not much I can do.

The resounding voice that spoke to me, gently but firmly said “You cannot give what you do not have.”

Say, huh?

The prophet Jeremiah told the people of his time that they all said the right things but they were just hollow words.

They have healed the wound of my people lightly, saying, ‘Peace, peace,’ when there is no peace.

We are quick to say what “should be” out there in the world, far away from us when we won’t recognize it in ourselves.

There is so much hate and polarization and anger and fear – Want me to go on? – and there is a simple reason.

We’ve yet to dig deep and learn to love ourselves.

We’ve yet to explore why we hurt so badly and why we lash out with such vigor against anything or anyone that comes close to us. It’s like trying to put a fire out by pouring gasoline on it.

So, I sat, very quietly and let my thoughts and feelings bubble to the surface.

If we are at war with our parents, our family, our society, or our church, there is probably a war going on inside us also, so the most basic work for peace is to return to ourselves and create harmony among the elements within us—our feelings, our perceptions, and our mental states.

Almost seems too simple doesn’t it?

Return to myself, strip away the carefully crafted veneer, expose my hurt, my vulnerability and my anger at myself and ask for a healing.

That’s it?

I heard a throaty chuckle inside of me.

What the hell is Mel Robbins doing in my meditation?

Life is simple, it’s just not easy

Mel Robbins

No kidding.

It’s like someone handed me a new map this morning and suggested I travel a different path.

So that’s what self compassion really means?!?!

That’s for me to discover.

You as well. But please, learn to discover whats inside of you.

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